G’day everyone. Thank you for your kind attention during Thursday’s (9 August 2012) presention on my initial playtime with Paul’s Shapeoko CNC router. Paul encourages people to use the router (with care) to MAKE!
As requested, I have posted the presentation slides here. Too late to include in the presentation, but cool tools for CNC folks to use include the OpenScam toolpath visualistion tool at http://openscam.com/ and the ubercool half-tone application that MetalFusion made to convert grayscale images into .dxf and Gcode files so that you can engrave photos into materials with a cone-shaped bit. The utility can be downloaded free from here http://www.students.tut.fi/~syvajar3/, and examples of the output can be seen here http://allthemods.com/userinfo.php?userid=564&id=8021.